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What is Connect360

What is Connect360

Connect360 Enterprise is an intelligent analytics tool that records your energy use and environmental conditions in real time and across multiple locations.

 It provides daily, weekly and monthly usage, displaying live information on your hardware connectivity in a personalised dynamic web dashboard.

How Connect360 can help your business:

Reduce your bills

Connect360 eliminates wastage by ensuring machinery only runs as required.

Reduce maintenance costs

Connect360 will increase the efficiency and lifespan of your equipment.

No upfront costs

Connect360’s costs are spread out across your monthly energy bills.

Reduce energy consumption

Eliminate wastage & reduce maintenance costs by ensuring machinery and equipment run when required.

Achieve sustainability targets

Connect360 looks at environmental impact of the business & works toward certification like ISO 50001

Get smarter insights

Connect, integrate and modernise legacy assets to give you previously unmeasured data.
The Powerful Way Your Business Could Save with Connect360

The Powerful Way Your Business Could Save with Connect360

  • Analyse your business's energy use. 
  • Identify areas of underperformance & inefficiency. 
  • Modify your business energy usage habits. 
  • Reduce your energy consumption.

How Connect360 works

A real time data-driven energy and environmental monitoring solution. No upfront costs and puts you in control.

Connect360 & Coffey

See how Connect360 helped Coffey reduce their energy consumption and achieve financial savings.

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