To see a list of our additional charges please click here.
The wind turbines generate electricity when the wind reaches approximately 4-5 meters/second (approximately 9mph) and shut down when the wind reaches a gale force 25m/s (approximately 56mph) to prevent damage to the turbines
Actual reading
Previous bills have been estimated and your current bill is based on an actual reading; if your estimated bills were lower than your actual consumption, this bill will level out the balance. It is important to submit regular meter readings to keep your bills as accurate as possible.
Longer billing period
In normal circumstances, bills are issued about every 30 days, but this may vary.
Check the number of billing days on your bill, and when comparing previous bills make sure both bills cover the same number of days.
Change in consumption level
You may be using more electricity than normal. Compare the units used on this bill to previous bills from the same monthly period in the past. Using your online account, you can see what your level of consumption was over the last 12 months and this may help identify why you are using more energy. You can also talk to your Energy Efficiency team to see how you can possibly reduce your consumption [email protected]
Time of year
Usage can vary throughout the year, for example winter versus summer or peak versus non-peak times. When comparing bills, make sure you compare similar billing periods.
Increased electricity prices
There may have been an increase in electricity prices since your last bill.
When making comparisons with previous bills, check if the unit rates have changed to reflect new prices.
Energia bills on a monthly basis. You will receive your bill in the post unless you have opted for paperless billing. If you have chosen this option, we will send you an email every month to let you know that your bill is ready to view or download.
The kilowatt hour rate or unit price that you are charged is comprised of an energy component and regulated pass-through charges. The Energia Energy charge will be as outlined in your contract however, the pass through charges may vary as directed by the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU).
These charges relate to Service Capacity, Low Power Factor and Maximum Demand Charge. These charges relate to terms in LVMD contracts.
Your standing charge is a daily charge to cover the costs of the maintenance and reading of your meter. The cost of the standing charge depends upon your meter configuration & tariff type.
When you are leaving an address, you must contact us and supply a final meter read, the name of the new tenant/landlord and a forwarding address. This will help ensure that you receive your final bill once you have vacated the premises. Please note that you will remain liable for all subsequent charges at the premises until a final meter read is received. Simply submit your final meter reading via any of the methods provided here.
In designing a wind farm, the extent of its visibility is reduced to the minimum technically possible. From there, the layout of the wind farm is adjusted, so as to minimise the impact of the way wind turbines will look in the landscape from where they can be seen.
When you sign our customer contract and direct debit instruction we send your details to the MRSO/GPRO for registration. We will process your contract and providing all the details are correct and your application is successful, your account will be active within 4 weeks. Please note that LVMD and NQH account set up can take longer due to the requirement for a meter read from Networks. We will endeavour to set up your account as soon as possible so as you can enjoy great savings and service with Energia.
When the wind is not blowing, the turbines cannot generate electricity. When this happens other energy sources take over and provide electricity to the National Grid. However, there is direct correlation between wind speed and energy consumption i.e. in the winter, the winds are stronger and energy consumption is up and in the summer wind capacity is lower and consumption is lower. Also, there is more wind during the daylight hours than at night reflecting demand.
Sustainable energy is the term given to an energy supply that will never deplete.
A wind turbine is a single machine for generating energy from the wind whereas a Wind Farm is the name given to two or more of these wind turbines, which produce electricity to feed into the national grid.
An m/s or meter per second equals 2.24 miles per hour.
Renewable Energy is the term given to energy produced from natural resources for example wind, sun or biomass (trees and plant substance), which are deemed inexhaustible whereas fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) will eventually run out.
A modern turbine lasts up to 20 years. When the turbine outlives its' useful life, it can be removed, the site restored and most of the turbines can be recycled.
The CRU have approved a new charge to go on all electricity bills from 1st October 2012. The Public Service Obligation Levy (PSO) is a pass through charge which is paid back to ESB Networks and approved by the CRU. The PSO Levy was re-introduced to cover the additional costs of producing or purchasing electricity from native sources and environmentally friendly forms of fuel.
It is charged in one of two ways;
If the MIC is less than 30 KVA it is charged at a one off flat rate.
If the MIC is 30 KVA or above then it's charged at a rate per KVA
This charge is the same with all suppliers and is outside of Energia's control.
The CEG payments to businesses are subject to the reverse charge procedure which applies to the supply of electricity by a business in the State to a taxable dealer carrying on business in the State.
Under the reverse charge mechanism, the recipient, rather than the supplier, is accountable for the VAT on the supply.
A senior botanist is engaged to monitor each chosen site and confirm that a wind farm does not have any adverse effects on flora on the proposed site or its' environment. Sites are also carefully assessed in consultation with the National Parks & Wildlife Service, relevant Regional Fishery Boards and IWC Bird Watch Ireland. Each body will assess and confirm that the sites are "not near or inline with any migrating flight path and will not have any adverse effect on any other wild life in the area".
Energia carries out research, as part of their Environmental Impact Statement, into the possible effects of a wind farm on the surrounding water, rock formation, soil and bogs to ensure that the turbines will have no detrimental effects on any of the aforementioned.
For urgent problems with supply of electricity contact ESB Network’s 24 hour emergency number on 1800 37 29 99. For urgent problems with supply of Gas contact Gas Networks Ireland's 24 hour emergency number on 1800 20 50 50.
Our customer service helpline is 0818 405 405 (Domestic) or 0818 363 744 (Commerical) who can be contacted during business hours for all your billing queries.
ESB Networks/Gas Networks Ireland are scheduled to read your meter every 3 to 4 months. They pass the information to Energia for billing purposes. These are known as 'actual reads'. Where Energia don't receive a meter reading from ESB Networks/Gas Networks Ireland, we will estimate your bill. However, we actively encourage our customers to submit a meter reading every month as this ensures that your bills are as accurate as possible. You can find out how to submit your meter reading here. Please note that LVMD customers require a meter reading directly from ESB Networks. If ESB networks cannot access your meter for whatever reason please contact Energia on 0818 363 744.
Wind Power ensures that money spent on electricity is kept in Ireland. It creates wind industry related jobs and attracts manufacturers of wind turbine components. Farmers who own the land on which wind farms are built received increased income whilst still being able to use 95% of their land for traditional farming.
Wind is a sustainable energy source, which is safe, clean, cheap and more importantly free of pollution. Every unit of electricity generated by a wind farm displaces a unit, which would otherwise be produced by conventional sources e.g. fossil fuels.