September 2021 - Energia Price Announcement
Energia electricity customers will see an increase of 15.7% on their bill. For the average customer this will mean an increase of €4.28 per week.*
Energia gas customer bills will increase by 18.5% or an average of €3.59 per week.*
The increase for dual fuel customers will be 16.9% or an average of €7.88 per week.*
Andy Meagher, Director ROI Customer Solutions said: “Driven by increasing wholesale electricity costs and global commodity prices, regrettably we have taken the decision to increase the price of our electricity and gas for residential customers. We have worked to support our customers over the course of the pandemic and this decision was not taken lightly but was unfortunately unavoidable due to global conditions. We will continue to review wholesale electricity and gas prices, to provide customers with the best possible value and service.”
*Based on EAB (Estimated Annual Bill) effective 18th Oct 2021.