Ways to pay
At Energia we have many ways our customers can pay their bills
1. Level Pay
Level Pay is an easy way to spread your payments throughout the year
We simply check you average bi-monthly amount and calculate a regular monthly amount for you to pay. That way, you know what to expect every month.
If you end up using more or less energy, we'll contact you and adjust your monthly payment. And of course, you can pick a payment date in the month that suits you.
Benefits of Energia Level Pay:
Its available to all customers
Manageable monthly payments
It's quick & easy to sign up
Sign up to Level Pay
Frequently asked questions:
We will look at your previous energy usage and use this to calculate the cost of your bills for the next 12 months. We will suggest a monthly payment amount and set up a monthly direct debit payment arrangement.
If you are a new Energia customer with us and we don't currently hold any information about your historic energy usage, then we will calculate your monthly payment amounts based on some details about your home including the number of rooms and occupants.
Yes, we will still bill you for all of the energy that you use. Level Pay will help you budget for this, with regular monthly payments that go towards your bills. It is important that you continue to review your bills and get in touch with us if you ever want your monthly payment changed.
We estimate how much energy we think you will use over the year to calculate your monthly payment. Our estimate is based on and your previous usage. If we don’t have your previous usage we will estimate an amount based on similar households.
We will send you a letter in advance of any changes being made to your Level Pay amount. If you are and Energia online customer, you will receive an email advising you to log into your account to view this letter.
Yes! You can choose the date that your direct debit will be collected from your bank or building society account each month. If you need to change this date, this can be done through your Energy Online account or you can call us on 0818 405 405.
As a Level Pay customer you will still receive a bill every other month but as you’re already making monthly payments to cover the cost, you don’t need to take any action other than to review your usage or see your overall billing costs for information purposes.
Unless of course you have a query about your bill, and you need to speak to our team, view our online Help & Support centre for advice.
In the first instance speak to our team who will be happy to review your account and check you’re paying the correct monthly amount to cover the cost of your bills over the year.
You can contact us at any time throughout the year and ask to have your monthly payment amount reviewed.
You can chat to our Payments and Resolution team through Live Chat or via phone at 0818 642 642.
They are available 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday.
If you have been with us for a while, then our estimation is likely to have been in line with your previous usage. Your usage may change over time though, so we will still review your payment amount periodically.
If you have recently joined Energia, the Networks will provide us with your usage history after your registration completes and we will be in touch if your payment amount needs to be reviewed. We will always contact you to in advance of making any changes to your direct debit.
Please keep an eye on your bills and contact us if you think you would like the direct debit amount reviewed.
If your actual energy usage is lower than our estimates and we see that you are overpaying, then we will simply credit your account.
If your actual energy usage is higher than our estimates, then we will contact you to adjust your monthly payment amount.
Other factors which may impact your Level Pay payment amount include:
- Having accurate up to date meter readings provided within your meter reading window
- Connectivity of your Smart Meter
- Energy price increase
If you're an existing Energia customer, simply contact us with the following information and we will be able to upgrade your account to our Level Pay plan.
Information needed:
- Your address and contact details
- Your Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN) found at the top of you bill
- A recent meter reading
- Your bank details for setting up your monthly direct debit
2. Fast Pay
Fast Pay is the pay your bills at your own pace.
You don’t need to login to your account; you can simply make payments big or small, whenever it suits you, and we’ll take that amount off your next bill. All you need is your account number with your credit / debit card details, and you’re ready for Fast Pay. Some customers use it as a savings tool, topping up whenever the chance arises, so that their bill doesn’t all come at once.
If you’re a gas and electricity customer, you need to top up both accounts separately.
Just remember that top-ups made within 5 days of a billing date won’t be applied until the following bill.