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1. Level Pay

Level Pay is an easy way to spread your payments throughout the year

We simply check you average bi-monthly amount and calculate a regular monthly amount for you to pay. That way, you know what to expect every month.

If you end up using more or less energy, we'll contact you and adjust your monthly payment. And of course, you can pick a payment date in the month that suits you.

Benefits of Energia Level Pay:

Its available to all customers

on any of our energy plans

Manageable monthly payments

Make monthly payments on a date that suits you

It's quick & easy to sign up

online or over the phone

Sign up to Level Pay

If you are interested in signing up to Level Pay, simply complete the form below and a member of our customer care team will be in touch.
(If known)

Frequently asked questions:

2. Fast Pay

Fast Pay is the pay your bills at your own pace.

You don’t need to login to your account; you can simply make payments big or small, whenever it suits you, and we’ll take that amount off your next bill. All you need is your account number with your credit / debit card details, and you’re ready for Fast Pay. Some customers use it as a savings tool, topping up whenever the chance arises, so that their bill doesn’t all come at once.

If you’re a gas and electricity customer, you need to top up both accounts separately.

Just remember that top-ups made within 5 days of a billing date won’t be applied until the following bill.

Go to Fast Pay

How to use Fast Pay:

To make payments towards your electricity bill online all you need is:

Account number

DOB of the account holder

Card for payment

Amount you wish to pay