Smart Plans & Tariffs
Explore our range of smart meter plans!
Find out what smart meter plan suits you best
Data Dani
Smart Drive Sean
Multi-tasking Maya
Energia Smart Data
Our most popular Smart plan, on average you could see your bills drop by 33% when you move from our Standard Rate Electricity plan to our Smart Data.
With Energia’s Energy Insights Smart Data, you can easily access detailed information about your energy usage every half hour. This means you can see exactly how much electricity you're using at different times of the day.
This plan splits your electricity into different time bands:
- Day (8am to 11pm)
- Night (11pm to 8am)
- Peak (5pm to 7pm).
This plan is perfect to help you make smarter decisions about your energy usage, helping you save money and reduce environmental impact.
EV Smart Drive
Our newest Smart Drive Plan is designed for electric vehicle owners and offers a convenient charging solution.
With the longest overnight charging window on the market, this tariff allows you to charge your electric vehicle at a reduced rate between 2am and 6am.
By taking advantage of these off-peak hours, you can enjoy lower electricity rates, saving you money on your charging costs.
Energia Smart 24 Hour
Our standard smart 24 hour tariff is the perfect stepping stone into the world of smart tariffs. With this product, it mirrors your current electricity usage, gaining insights into your consumption patterns through our user-friendly app.
This tariff allows you to dip your toe into the benefits of smart meter technology, providing you with automatic meter readings and the option to explore time-of-use pricing.
This plan is a convenient way to start saving money and becoming more energy-conscious without making drastic changes right away.
Managing your usage with Energy Insights
Frequently Asked Questions
​​​​​You can have a Smart Meter installed and remain on your current non-smart tariff however once you have moved to Energia Smart Energy Plan, it is not possible to move back standard plan.
Our Smart Meter plans have been designed with the customer in mind and offer a range of benefits to give you the best value, service and energy saving support.
Day rate: This is applied between the hours of 8am and 11pm, excluding the peak hours.
Night rate: This is applied between the hours of 11pm and 8am.
You will receive notice from ESB in advance of them coming to your area to completion installation. It is estimated that all standard meters in Ireland will be replaced with a new Smart Meter by 2024.
Each day, normally around midnight and via a secure 2G mobile network, your meter will send ESB Networks the total amount of electricity consumed over the previous 24 hour period. Each smart meter will activate itself approximately every two hours to check its integrity and connection to the network, if it finds any problems it will create another encrypted text message and send it to us.
1. ESB Networks will send you a letter to let you know in advance when they are visiting your area to upgrade your meter.
2. An ESB Networks engineer or ESB electrical contractor will visit your home in person to complete the Smart Meter upgrade.
3. An ESB Networks engineer or electrical contractor will leave you with some information on your new Smart Meter
A new digital display screen on your new smart meter will show your current meter reading in kilowatt-hours (kWh). To read the new smart meter, note the figures on the screen before “kWh” from left to right and include all digits.
By pressing the Left-hand button on your meter you can scroll through the following:
Time and Date
If you are on a non-half hourly Smart Meter Plan (MCC16), meter reading will be automatically sent to ESB Networks.
If you are on a MCC12 product and your connection quality drops to CTF score 1 or 2, then Energia will be contacted.