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Smart Savings with our brand new Solar Bundle

Our new solar bundle offers customers on any Energia Smart tariff a saving of €750 on solar panel installation as well as a 20 cent microgeneration export rate. To avail of this additional discount all you have to do is fill in the below form, we will take it from there! 

Our market leading 550w solar panels are designed to be high-powered, energy efficient, and space-saving. They generate more power per square meter than other solar panels in the market. Their durability and reliability ensure optimal performance for years to come.

Do I need a Smart Meter to get this offer?

Do I need a Smart Meter to get this offer?

Yes, a smart meter is required for this product. Smart meters measure the energy consumption habits at your home and allow you to maximise your self-consumption.

Smart meters can also measure the export of microgeneration installations to allow customers to sell their excess electricity generated by Solar Panels back to the electricity grid.

Don't worry if you haven't had a Smart meter installed just yet, contact us regardless and we can get the process started for you.

How to get solar panels installed

Fill in our solar panel enquiry form and request a callback.

Once you've accepted the quote, our team will be in touch.

Relax, knowing that we will handle the process from beginning to end.

Hurry! This offer won't be around for long.

Complete the form below to start your Solar Panel journey.

By submitting this form you consent to Energia contacting you in relation to this enquiry. For details on how we use your information, please view our Privacy Statement.

What Smart Plan is best for me?

We have a number of smart plans available for you to choose from.

Terms and Conditions

Customers must have a smart meter installed in their home and be on an Energia Smart tariff to avail of the €750 discount on their solar installation. Customers can choose any Energia smart tariff to avail of the €750 discount. Customers switching their energy supply to Energia may be required to pay an early termination fee from their current supplier. Energia standard terms and conditions apply.

There is no cash alternative available for the €750 discount on installation.

Customers eligible for the Clean Export Guarantee payment will receive an export rate of 20c per kWh. This rate will be applied to all eligible customers with registered microgeneration installations in line with their current billing cycle. Learn more about Energia and Microgeneration