Energia Smart Batteries - Solar Battery Storage
Energia has a tailored solution for your Solar PV requirements. Install Solar PV as a standalone system or enhance it with one of the following: a solar battery or a hot water diverter.
What is solar battery storage?
The main advantage of solar battery storage is the ability to take the energy generated by Solar Panels during the day and store it to power your home in the evening and overnight.
Through our relationship with House 2 Home, we are excited to afford Energia customers a tailored solution for your home.
The benefits of Solar PV & Batteries
The Solar PV Panels paired with a battery & energy-management software may have many benefits for you & your entire household.
Have greater understanding through insights and gain energy independence by generating and storing your own renewable electricity.
With this smart home system, your home may be future proofed for electric vehicle charging, greener living and a more sustainable lifestyle.
Your reduced energy consumption may lower the overall cost of your bills, keeping you in control.
Take advantage of smart tariffs allowing you to charge your battery at night when it's less expensive.

How does solar battery storage work?
The excess energy your home is not using goes into charging your battery, so instead of sending the excess electricity back to the grid, you store it in a battery that can then discharge and power your appliances.